Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Today, we practiced some simulated engine out procedures in the practice area and returned to the airport for some pattern work. We first practiced go arounds. This is a maneuver you would use if you were unable to make a safe landing.

Next came the slip. A slip is a means to loose a lot of altitude without gaining a lot of airspeed. Say, for instance, if you are way above the glide slope on final approach and needed to drop a bunch of altitude to make the runway, you could perform a slip. This is done by using full rudder and opposite aileron.

The first one that I tried was a little scary. The plane is definitely in an unusual attitude and it will drop like a rock. Recovering from a slip is an art form too. We practiced a few short approaches with slips and after two or three they become fun and sort of sporting. Good day of flying.

Landings seem to be getting softer too.

Flight time: 1.5

Total time: 25.3

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