Monday, April 14, 2008

Touch Up...

This flight is intended to be a touch-up on some of the areas in which I could use some work - my checkride is a week away!

Emergency procedures. Engine restart procedure - remember to cycle the magnetos after switching tanks! Power off 180s on approach. Nailed the first one that I tried but then heard from the controller that the good folks over at Boeing would rather we didn't do that short of an approach over their building. They manufacture the Apache attack helicopters right there and don't really want anyone crashing their party. So to speak.

While I respect Boeing's wishes, if I lose my engine on downwind, the last thing I'm going to be thinking about is overflying their plant! Did some touch and gos and that was about it. Both RC (my instructor) and I are confident about my flying.

Flight time: 1.2

Total time: 74.6

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